Finance a Tax or VAT bill

Finance to pay a tax or VAT bill If you find yourself late paying tax or VAT we may have a solution for you.  It’s a familiar feeling not to have set aside sufficient working capital to pay for tax bills. Over the last few years, HMRC has become more aggressive in issuing winding-up orders … Continued

Working Capital Finance

Whatever your business is, working capital is crucial, and there are times you will need quick access to working capital. Working Capital Finance is designed to be a simple and easy short-term loan for when you need them most, but it is important that you understand why you need it, and to find the right … Continued

Revolving Credit Facilities

Revolving Credit Facilities Revolving credit facilities are a type of Working Capital Finance. Funds are normally pre-approved and interest is usually charged on the outstanding amount. How does a revolving credit facility work? Revolving credit facilities are not fixed facilities but rather rolling agreements that don’t have a fixed number of payments, in contrast to instalment … Continued

Invoice Finance

As a business, waiting for invoices to be paid can be a waiting game – and it can easily turn into a cash-flow problem. But, there is a solution: Invoice Finance. Invoice Finance works in a very simple way; once you have done your work for a client, you can gain access to the invoice … Continued

Invoice Factoring vs Invoice Discounting

Invoice Factoring vs Invoice Discounting These are the two most common forms of invoice finance — how do you choose between them? The major difference is credit control. You get credit control services included as part of invoice factoring, but it’s not included with discounting. Without credit control, the lender has less control over whether your … Continued